Traveler Story: Ms. Dao and Mr. Michael
This is a story of true inspiration and the power of kindness that transcends distance. We had the privilege of meeting Ms. Dao and Mr. Michael, a wonderful couple, a few years ago. Ms. Dao is incredibly friendly, and Mr. Michael is known for his sense of humor. Together, they form a kind-hearted duo whose story has deeply touched us.
Ms. Dao’s life is one of resilience and compassion. Shortly after she was born, she fell into a fire, suffering burns that covered 80% of her body with scars. This left her very shy, and she struggled to believe in love. Despite these challenges, she completed high school and devoted her time to volunteering at a hospital. It was there that she met Michael, and their shared compassion led them to fall in love.
Now, Ms. Dao balances her time between volunteer work and caring for the three children she shares with Michael. Every year, she returns to Vietnam to continue her charitable work at hospitals and orphanages, hoping to bring a little light and faith to those who are less fortunate.
Ms Dao and Micheal with charity program in Viet Nam
Last year, Lalatour had the honor of accompanying Ms. Dao, Mr. Michael, and a group of volunteer doctors from the U.S. to Da Nang. Together, we provided free dental check-ups and gave gifts to children at the SOS orphanage in Da Nang. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to be part of their mission, and we thank Ms. Dao and Mr. Michael for allowing us to contribute in a small way to the community. We look forward to seeing them again next year and continuing this meaningful journey together.
More about truy inspiration story here: Vietnamese girl with 80% body burns and love story with American doctor